To Be Blessed

God, grant me the serenity…

Hi, my name is Jessie and I’m an alcoholic.  I’m sitting here today thinking about how blessed I am.  I think about this quite often – about how we all complain about little things when we often fail to realize that we don’t have much to complain about at all.  For example, let’s say you’re reading this blog, that means you have electricity, internet, a phone or a computer, and presumably money that allows you to have all of these things.  We are blessed as people, and yet we complain when the grocery store doesn’t have the specific brand of salsa we were looking for.  I think about things like this everyday and many times I can’t even stand to listen to people complaining about things when most of us haven’t even experienced true hardships.

I don’t really have much to say today, except I’m incredible grateful and blessed to be where I am.  God has given me so many wonderful gifts that I will never begin to understand.  He’s given me life, a loving family, a good job, friends, hot meals, a roof over my head, running water, a bed to sleep in – all simple things, but things many people go each day without.  There are many days when I think to myself, “I hope I’m able to make it to the next week,” but then I realize there are people who can’t even make it to the next hour and all my worries are gone.

God plucked me out of a muddy trench and set me on a smooth, paved path.  He forgave me for my past so that I am able to have a better, happier future.  Knowing what I know now, I know He wants me to share his goodness with others.  It isn’t right to be given such an extraordinary gift and not share it with others.  By sharing with others what good God has brought into my life, I hope that they can experience the same joy.  Its an unending gift that He provides, if we are only willing to accept it.


Our Father, who art in Heaven…


I’m very grateful to be here with all of you on this 21st day of sobriety, and I look forward to many more.

With love,


2 responses to “To Be Blessed”

  1. Your reminder is good for all of us to hear! I know in the past you have felt ‘behind’ but let me tell you that you are wise beyond your years! You are now like my teacher:-)
    XOXO #313

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh I definitely still feel behind, but I’m overwhelmed by the connection I feel and I never expected to have such a sense of peace, happiness, and security settle over me.
      I am just lucky to have the best teachers and support I could ever ask for. 😊❤️


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