The Great Depression

Being a self-aware, severely depressed alcoholic is a trip. I’m hyper-aware of everything I’m feeling and doing, I know the difference between right and wrong, and yet I continue to do the same thing over and over. Some would call that insanity; doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. And most days I feel insane, so I would have to agree. And I know what I have to do to make the change. The problem is that I just can’t find it in my willpower to do it.

I went out with some friends on Saturday night for drinks and that was all fine and dandy. I was reserved (for me,) and wasn’t too out of control. Then we went to a friends house to play cards for awhile. Everyone but me was smoking weed and doing cocaine. That’s when I got uncomfortable. I’m rarely uncomfortable and I don’t judge others for whatever they want to do recreationally (because who am I to judge,) but for once I felt like an outsider and I was truly uncomfortable. I couldn’t get out fast enough, honestly. I played one hand of cards and went home as quickly as possible. I didn’t want to be tempted by something I know I don’t need to be doing, so I removed myself from that situation as promptly as I could.

The drinking isn’t even the worst part right now…it’s the depression. I’m feeling more sad and more isolated and more hopeless by the day. I just don’t want to be here anymore. I don’t want to deal with life. I wish I could blink it all away, but I know it’s not that easy. I wish I could pick up everything and disappear. Move somewhere and start all over. Maybe things would be easier that way. Maybe I could do the healing I need to do if I didn’t have the constant reminder of all my mistakes and addictions and relationships.

I’m exhausted. I try to sleep. Every extra minute I get, isolating myself, away from others, and yet I am exhausted. I’m exhausted from the alcoholism, from the depression, and from life itself. I think that’s why I wish I wasn’t here anymore. I’m tired of being exhausted all the time. I think a lot of people get confused when I say I don’t wanna be here. I’m not saying I’m suicidal, because I’m not. I don’t have any plan in place, and I’m far too much of a coward to go through with anything anyway. I just wouldn’t be upset if I got in some sort of accident and died. I mean, I couldn’t be upset anyway, but I almost wish it would happen. I almost wish there was some easy way out. I wish I didn’t have to leave people behind. If I didn’t have people I love being left behind, who knows if I would be here.

Depression is rough, especially during the holiday season, especially during winter when there’s nothing but darkness around all the time. I go to work and it’s dark outside. I get out of work, and it’s dark outside. Sometimes I will see daylight, but those days seem few and far between. I wish the depression would end. I wish the alcoholism would end. And I know if I stop drinking the alcoholism will get better. It’s something so simple, yet so difficult.

Some days, I wish I had someone to just give me a hug. Someone to just give me some quiet support, and not ask what’s wrong, not ask how they can fix it, or even how they can help. Some days I just need someone to give me a hug other days, I do need someone to tell me that everything is going to be OK, even if it seems like it won’t be. I want to be able to ask for help without feeling like a burden. I want to be able to talk more openly, and honestly with people, without fear of judgment. I want to be emotionally mature. Maybe it’ll happen one day.

I wish I could be as open and honest in person as I am on here. I wish I could be as courageous and share what’s on my mind like I do on my blog. And yet, when it comes to seeing me in person, I try my hardest to be strong and stoic and not seem defeated. I want to be able to be as vulnerable in person as I am when I write. Until I’m able to do that, I’ll just keep on writing away.

One response to “The Great Depression”

  1. I’m so glad you are burning out your feelings on this blog. I do believe there is power in that. While I of course do feel the grip of depression and restlessness in your words, I also feel the enormous strength in you, otherwise it wouldn’t be so difficult and painful to be where you are. That big, beautiful deeper you is pressing at the seams of you and I do hope you keep loosening the threads for her, bit by bit, with every post and with every minute you fight for more for yourself. Huge Love to you, friend. I see you. ❤


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